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By Gabriel Reimers

Introducing a Free Plan for Loqbooq

Initially we had decided Loqbooq should not have a free plan. And yes, that decision has been recorded using Loqbooq.
A few weeks back, we created a superseding decision. Now there is a free plan with all features and fully usable for small teams.

Seagull illustration by Irina Kundik

🤑 Our business model

We are convinced that Loqbooq is a service that saves companies money. When you document your project decisions, your teams spend less time researching why things were done as they were done. New team members can be onboarded quicker as you have a record of all design, architecture or strategic decisions as well as the reasoning behind them. And if your project involves multiple parties, it also reduces stress and discussions if stakeholders commit to decisions together.

Our customers consider Loqbooq a valuable tool that is worth paying for it. And of course, we rely on paying customers as our business model. We do not sell our users' data nor do we display advertisements — and never will.

💸 But then why did we add a Free Plan?

For us, offering a free plan is about organically convincing teams that Loqbooq is a useful and easy to integrate tool.

When we talked to our early adopters we learned that introducing new tools in a team can be a slow and complicated process. We often hear things like

I really love Loqbooq. But I also need to convince my team.

We learned that it is often one or two individuals who see a need for a decision log in a project. The easy part for them is to find a tool for that (like Loqbooq). But the hard part is to convince their team to actually use a decision log.

We already did offer a trial period so interested people could try out and experiment with Loqbooq before needing to enter a credit card number. Yet, this often was not sufficient.
Having created some sample decisions is just not as convincing as using Loqbooq as part of your actual daily work. And that is where we see the new Free Plan comes in.

🚀 Go ahead for free with early adopters

Now, a small group of early adopters within an organization can use Loqbooq with all features in their real projects for as long as they need it — for free!

The only limitations are that you cannot have more than three decision logs (aka Loqs) and can only have three reviewers on each decision. This should work out fine for small teams or startups. You can play with Loqbooq and experiment with decision logs in a small project. Furthermore you can take your time to integrate it in your work culture, project structure and other tooling you already have.

💪 Bring decision logs to your entire team

Once you are convinced that it actually suits your needs and improves your project management, you can gradually expand it to more projects and larger teams. Only then you need to upgrade to the paid Pro Plan for an unlimited number of Loqs and reviewers.

Of course, our fair billing policy still applies and you only pay for team members actively using Loqbooq.